Saturday, October 19, 2013

MTBoS Mission #2: To Tweet or Not to Tweet

This week I've dipped my toe into the Twitter water with my MTBoS Professional Devlopment crew.  I am still figuring out the platform for following, being followed, and making an effort to contribute to conversations. Still need someone to tell me how to figure out the schedule for the #chats.

I love the feeling of connection and personal contact with these mathy folks who inspire me to be a better math teacher.  It's very similar to the feeling I used to have in the "old days" when we teachers would actually go to the Teacher's Lounge and have conversation while eating lunch. (I spend my lunches in my room working with the kids.)  I miss having others with whom I can bounce around new lesson ideas.  I am the only sixth grade teacher at my school and don't share a lunch or planning time with the seventh and eighth grade math teachers so math talk is pretty limited at school. I do have a fabulous principal who is a former high school math teacher - I can always talk math with him but we know how limited his time is.

This week I jumped in with comments for a few new friends but it just doesn't feel natural to "interrupt" a conversation with people who really don't know me yet.  What I have found this week is a professional community who is willing to support me in my adventures as a math teacher, who share incredibly similar experiences, and who are eager to expand their skills and SHARE!

Now, to Tweet or not to Tweet?  I'm overwhelmed with the volume of messages every day. I don't know when these folks sleep!  LOL  I only have a "dumb" phone so my use of Twitter is limited to my computer at home.  I'm going to keep at this challenge and find my niche.  There is a wealth of ideas and support here. 

If you hear some faint's not a cricket, it's me trying to find my way through the Math Twitter Blogosphere!

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