Friday, August 9, 2013

Arranging the Tables

This morning we are going to dive into a review of factors and multiples through a task I found on the NRICH math web site.

The task is to find a way to seat those 44 people with no empty seats at any table. I want students to find a way to record their thinking and to explain their final answer in sentences as well. There are multiple ways to make the arrangement so early finishers will be asked to find more ways. Are there any patterns to finding the ways?  Does knowing the factors of 44 help you to solve this task? Why or why not? Are there factors of other numbers that are useful? What are they and why are they helpful?  We can have some group sharing of solutions with feedback from peers.
Students will add their solution to their notebooks, and we will also make a Frayer model of their vocabulary words - factors, multiples. I've got an exit ticket prepared to check on their understanding of factors. Sounds like more than enough for one lesson - probably two! Oh, yeah....some time today we're having our first fire drill! Thanks for letting me think through my lesson with you all.


  1. Thanks for posting this. This is great problem to work on in partners or groups! (At first, I thought that YOU had 44 students...)
    Glad to be a new follower. I can tell already that I will learn a lot from your posts--and your delight--about math!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  2. Delighted to tell you that I don't have 44 in a class! LOL That would have pushed me over the edge today! Thanks for following along with my adventures!

